Saturday, December 21, 2019

Be a Leader, Not a Follower - 669 Words

Getting out of the car each morning before school, I would listen for my father’s â€Å"Goodbye† and â€Å"Have a nice day† accompanied with the always expected phrase, â€Å"Be a leader, not a follower.† This phrase grew on me over time and eventually showed me that in order to lead, you must be involved. My parents’ wise words and actions shaped the way I viewed life and inspired me to make a change in my community. My parents encouraged me and raised me to be a well-rounded person; I grew up as an avid soccer and basketball player devoted to swimming, interested in guitar, and involved in religious education and Girl Scouts. Fortunate with the opportunities availed to me, I found that they opened my eyes to what is possible, reachable, and important in life. Having always observed my parents, I noticed their determination to help, even if it was as simple as driving on my school fieldtrips to the California Academy of Sciences or baking Halloween-themed cupcakes for the bake sale at school. I’ve always been positively influenced by both my mother and father and their involvement within our community which has motivated me to do my part. Early on, my parents sought to get me involved in Girl Scouts. With little knowledge of what Girl Scouts was truly about, due to my young naà ¯ve age, I figured it would be enjoyable because the cookies that Girl Scouts sold annually were delicious and my friend had participated in it. Soon into my adventures of being a Girl Scout, I found the trueShow MoreRelatedThe Leader And The Follower914 Words   |  4 Pagessome sort of hierarchy. Positive leadership is really something more. For leadership to exist, the leader has to have influence to lead oneself, and to lead others. Leadership at its core is a process of influence, meaning the influence must be transactional. The leader must affect the follower by setting goals, and the follower must affect the leader by setting goals. As the leader and the follower come together in a common understanding, and with a common sense of purpose, only then can they beginRead MoreLeaders And Followers : An Effective Leader850 Words   |  4 P agesTo be an effective leader you need to give subordinates what is missing in their environment by helping them balance for their lack of abilities in certain areas (Northouse, 2013). The concept behind leaders and followers is a continuation of the situational approach, (Northouse, 2013) â€Å"which suggests that a leader must adapt to the development level of subordinates†. This led to a more developed theory where leaders focus on motivating employee in other to enhance their performance and satisfactionRead MoreLeader Follower Relationship6383 Words   |  26 PagesOF CHANGE LECTURER: PROF. C. GETECHA SEMESTER: FALL YEAR: 2012 TERM PAPER: LEADER FOLLOWER RELATIONSHIPS GROUP 4 MEMBERS NAMES: STUDENT ID No: 1. Stephen Omuga 637854 2. Daisy Oria 623319 3. Fredrick Njokih 636057 Table of Contents 1. DYADIC THEORY 4 1.1. Introduction 4 1.2. Evolution of the Dyadic theory 4 1.2.1. Vertical Dyad Linkage (VDL) Theory 5 1.2.2. Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) Theory 6 1.2.3. Team Building 6 1.2.4. Systems and NetworksRead MoreThe Role Of Follower As A Leader2019 Words   |  9 PagesScholarly Paper What is a leader and what is a follower? In any organized structure, business, or grouping these two key positions will be represented. Chaleff (2009) stated that if one looked up the subject of leadership they would be bombarded with numerous titles on the subject, but if one looked up the follower they would most likely only find the subject as it relates to leaders. The purpose of this paper is to identify the role of the follower as compared with a leader. This is followed by examineRead MoreLeaders And Followers : Leadership1168 Words   |  5 PagesLeaders and Followers In management a big part of success is having team work which includes both leaders and followers. A group with all leaders will be very unsuccessful. A group with all followers will also be very unsuccessful. Every successful group has to have a mixture of leaders and followers. In our book, work teams are defined as a small number of people with complementary skills who hold themselves mutually accountable for pursuing a common purpose, achieving performance goals, and improvingRead MoreEssay on â€Å"Leaders and Followers†3464 Words   |  14 Pagesâ€Å"Leaders and Followers† History has its unique way to express the historical evidence, as something very important and interesting. From very routes of human existence people had two basic relationship: leader and follower, what they thought would help them to create better society; or people just followed a strong leader and gave their responsibilities to the person who could create a place where they can live and prosper. But unfortunately this basic institution of leaders and followers broughtRead MoreLeader And Follower Attachment Styles : Implications For Authentic Leader Follower Relationship Essay1844 Words   |  8 PagesDifferent attachment styles between leaders and followers are studied in a paper entitled Leader and Follower Attachment Styles: Implications for Authentic Leader–Follower Relationships in 2013. Attachment Theory is relevant to this study since authentic leadership argues that the leaders and followers are influenced by their personal histories. Attachment Theory states th at individuals are influenced by both early developmental experiences and relationships later in life. How people interactRead MoreRelationship Between Leaders And Their Followers1727 Words   |  7 Pagesassignment in this course that I felt was most helpful was the week two assignment that talked about the relationship between leaders and their followers. I found out through my research how important the two go together, you can not have one with out the other. I realize now that if I want to be a great leader I need to focus on being a follower and learning what it takes to be a leader. I know in my current job I will try to learn as much as I can from my supervisors to prepare my self for my future. Read MoreWho Is The Leader Follower Theory?845 Words   |  4 PagesLeader – Follower Theory Those in leadership positions within workplace environments often look towards ways to effectively lead teams of people to reach organizational goals Frequently believing there is one great method to be applied at all times without giving must thought to the possibility of building relationships with team members. Including the social aspect of team building can provide limitless opportunities for a team to excel while still staying focused on workplace goals. HoweverRead MoreCommunication, Emotion, Leaders, And Followers1402 Words   |  6 PagesEmotion, Leaders, and Followers To be effective, leaders must understand how to communicate and maintain positive relationships with their followers. Leaders must direct, and appropriately reciprocate emotions. Though challenging, success should ensure followers are engaged participants in a meaningful shared objective. Leader Follower Relationships There is a joint effort to achieve goals between leaders and followers. Followers are leaders in training and most leaders are still followers. Leaders

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